One of the vegetables I’ve grown to love are Brussels Sprouts! (Bill, not so much.) These little gems are a cultivated bunch of wild cabbage that are selected for their leafy and small green buds, which commonly just look like mini cabbages. I didn’t grow up loving cabbage, but really enjoy it now. I think it’s all in how you prepare it! They are a good source of protein, iron and potassium and they also offer other benefits that can boost your overall health. I’ve gotten Bill and others to eat them by adding bacon, but since I’ve heard they can provide some special cholesterol-lowering benefits, that sort of defeats the purpose! Something I learned early, is that is very important not to over cook Brussels sprouts amazon zum herunterladen. Not only do they lose their nutritional value and taste but they will begin to emit the unpleasant sulfur smell!

1/2 Pounds Brussels Sprouts
1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Kosher Salt & Freshly Ground Black Pepper
Rinse Brussels sprouts and cut off any brown ends. Remove any yellow outer leaves. Cut them in half and then mix them in a bowl with the olive oil, salt and pepper. Pour them into a baking dish. I like to arrange them cut side down
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Roast uncovered for 35 to 40 minutes, until crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. Once the tops look browned, the underside cooked side should be browned as well
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Sprinkle with a bit more salt and serve immediately.
For a richer variety, toss them in crumbled cooked bacon and caramelized chopped onions winrar free windows 10!
Brussels sprouts start out looking much like broccoli and cauliflower, but as time goes on the plants start to get taller, with lots of leaves coming from the sides of the plants. I had no idea… until I spotted them in a Trader Joes some time ago! Sprouts form in the leaf axles of the plants and begin forming at the base of the plant, and then gradually move up. As sprouts get larger, the plant gets taller and produces more leaves and therefore more leaf axles to produce sprouts in. Here is an image I pulled from the Internet!