So Bill and I are in California for the 2019 harvest. We rented a house in Yountville and we were elated to discover a healthy and prosperous fig tree in the back yard herunterladen! California has the perfect climate for growing figs and to our advantage, fresh figs are in peak season mid to late summer and this tree is loaded right now for our enjoyment herunterladen! Figs are a superfood because overall their nutritional value is quite impressive. They have the highest mineral and fiber content of all common fruits, nuts, or vegetables youtube video geschnitten herunterladen. One serving of figs (fresh or dried) provides 6% of the Daily Value for calcium and iron, and 7% of the Daily Value for potassium. Figs are fat, sodium and cholesterol-free xbox 360 spiele auf xbox one herunterladen ohne kreditkarte.

We’ve been eating these figs every day since we’ve arrived google drive dateien herunterladen. Figs on yogurt for breakfast, grilled and served along with pork tenderloin and just for snacking. I found a step ladder to harvest a bunch and noticed several were very ripe Download desktop icon. I would hate to see them go to waste – so I decided to make fig jam!
This recipe was created with simple ingredients that I had on hand in the rental house and it does not require pectin zip for free! Actually, there are only four ingredients including water in this fast and easy jam!
1 lb. (about 20) Fresh Figs
1/4 Cup Water
3/4 Cup Sugar (granulated)
1/2 Lemon (juice)
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
Cut the stems off of the figs, then cut them into very small cubes or puree them in a food processor until mostly smooth if you don’t want chunks of skins security 360 herunterladen. (I prefer some chunks for texture.)
Place the figs into a medium-sized heavy-bottomed pot schriften gratis downloaden mac.

Stir in the sugar, water and lemon juice kann keine kostenlose apps herunterladen.
Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to medium and continue to simmer.
Continue to simmer and stirring constantly for about 45 minutes, until the mixture thickens and becomes jam-like inn consistency. At this stage, it becomes shiny and will fall off your spatula in clumps or sheets rather than drips. You can test a spoon full on a glass plate that has been chilled in the freezer. Push it to see if it thickens with ripples. Once you’ve turned off the heat, stir in the vanilla.
Sterilize canning jars and fill them while the jam is still hot.
Place the jars of jam that have been covered with the seals and lids into a pot of boiled water covering them with an inch or two of hot water. Bring to a boil and process for ten minutes. (Here is a good link on how to can jam Remove jars with tongs and allow them to cool on the counter as the lids “pop” as they seal!
Serve on bread, over cream cheese, brie cheese or on a spoon!