I recently watched Al Roker of the TODAY show prepare this salad and decided to make it myself based on the feedback of the other hosts who were sampling it herunterladen. We don’t eat a lot of potatoes these days but love this lightened up version of potato salad because it satisfies your starchy cravings […]
Read the rest of this entry »Archive for the 'Potatoes' Category
Citrus Skillet Shrimp, by Hello Fresh
So I usually make up my own recipes, but I thought I would give this a try. I’ve been receiving Hello Fresh meals for a while and thought I would share some of the healthy recipes that they have been delivering. The boxes come packed with fresh ingredients straight to my doorstep each week chilled […]
Read the rest of this entry »Pork Roast with Crackling
So now that I’ve had a few days to rest and become re-acclimated into the time zone of the midwest in the USA… I’m finding myself missing much of the cuisine I enjoyed while in South Africa! I learned a lot from my new friend Nicole Van Velden, the wife of Winemaker David at Overgaauw […]
Read the rest of this entry »Butterflied, Baked Herb Cornish Hens
I don’t know why people only serve Cornish hens on special occassions. A cornish hen typically commands a higher price per pound than chickens, despite a shorter growing span of 28 to 30 days, as opposed to 42 or more for regular chicken. But although rumored to be expensive in comparison, I’ve found them locally […]
Read the rest of this entry »Slow Cooker “Baked” Potatoes
I recently caught this tip on the weekend show “The Kitchen” and I wondered, why didn’t I think of that? I didn’t want to run the oven the other day as it was hot outside and I had my son Andrew coming over for dinner eduroam cat herunterladen. He’s a pretty good eater and appreciates […]
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